
At one point, I was commuting from a bus to a train to bus again twice a day. I wanted to start a series that I could do on just these journeys, something that allowed my mind to go wild, something that would cater to the happy accidents that can happen on public transportation during stop on go traffic on the pothole stricken downtown streets. So I tried a few crazy animals and got addicted to mixing and matching them. I try not to stress about the realism of them too much; some of them definitely lean on the cartoonier side. I'll research a little on my phone if I flagrantly don't know what I'm taking on but that's about it. I call them Trashcanimals because my only non-moving break while working on them was for ten minutes waiting for my connection. During that time I drew on the top of a large Dunkin' Donuts flat-top trashcan. One of my favorite parts of the whole process is coming up with names for each of them.

The South Highland Ram Dog

The South Highland Ram Dog

The Hammer-headed Camel Pig

The Hammer-headed Camel Pig

The Horned Foxtail Hare

The Horned Foxtail Hare

The Bearded Bullrilla

The Bearded Bullrilla

The Stegocroctopus

The Stegocroctopus

The Eastern Mustached Koalapine

The Eastern Mustached Koalapine

The Balinese Screaming Spiderbat

The Balinese Screaming Spiderbat

The Gremulox

The Gremulox

The Sharktopod

The Sharktopod

The Red Pandolin

The Red Pandolin

The Malaysian Rabbit-Eared Tortoise

The Malaysian Rabbit-Eared Tortoise

The Northern Horned Manopotamus

The Northern Horned Manopotamus

The Tyrannosaurical Musk Ox

The Tyrannosaurical Musk Ox

The Rhinoceros Eel Shark

The Rhinoceros Eel Shark

The 8 Legged Furback Dragonlady

The 8 Legged Furback Dragonlady

The Demoncrotch Kangaroo

The Demoncrotch Kangaroo

The Hornskull Daemonocerus

The Hornskull Daemonocerus

The Ridgeback Cougarwolf

The Ridgeback Cougarwolf

The Norwegian Bloodlamb

The Norwegian Bloodlamb

The Splithoof Centaurhog

The Splithoof Centaurhog

The Pacific Sawback Seadragon

The Pacific Sawback Seadragon

The African Gorillaphant

The African Gorillaphant

The Atlantic Sea Raptor

The Atlantic Sea Raptor

The Bibrachial Sharktopus

The Bibrachial Sharktopus

The South American Bimouth Troglodyte

The South American Bimouth Troglodyte

The Freshwater Snapjaw Waligator

The Freshwater Snapjaw Waligator

The Giant Imperius Scorpion

The Giant Imperius Scorpion

The Mossback Tyrannadactyl

The Mossback Tyrannadactyl

The African Gorillion.

The African Gorillion.

The Clawhoof Giraffagon

The Clawhoof Giraffagon

The Rocktail Cyclodile.

The Rocktail Cyclodile.

The Great Mojave Centaurion

The Great Mojave Centaurion

The Komodorian Flightless Slate Wyvern

The Komodorian Flightless Slate Wyvern

The Subsurface Liquesimus.

The Subsurface Liquesimus.

The Underground Teneramanus.

The Underground Teneramanus.

The Verdendian Bipedal Wolf.

The Western Harpy Griffin.

The Trogdaleel.

The Webwing Tyranaseel.